Chiropractic and Pregnancy

Posted: May 28, 2013
By: Back On Track Physical Medicin



Do you think chiropractic and pregnancy don't go together? Think again.  There are many ligaments and tendons involved in pregnancy, tightness or misalignment of which can cause discomfort and pain, and possibly lead to malpositioned (breech, posterior, etc.) baby.

Back On Track Physical Medicine sees many pregnant patients for wellness throughout pregnancy. We have developed some specific stretches and exercises for our pregnant mothers that could help her for the purpose of relieving that tension.  Both mom and baby enjoy feeling a good stretch.

One exercise in particular is doing gentle squats using an exercise ball. You put the ball between your back and the wall. When you bend your knees slightly and then return to standing, the ball rolls with you down the wall slightly, giving comfortable support in proper alignment. You don't have to go down very far to begin to strengthen your legs and gluteal muscles. Strengthening your glutes is not only good for labor and birth, but can also help with urinary incontinence (in combination with kegels) and is another good life-long toning exercise.


Colic and Chiropractic

Posted: May 28, 2013
By: Back On Track Physical Medicin

Colic and Chiropractic

Over 1 million babies suffer from colic every year!

If you are a parent of a baby suffering from colic, you are bound to feel frustrated, stressed and helpless. Colic has been a source of great frustration for babies, parents and doctors alike. Colic is more defined by its symptoms than diagnostic findings. The symptoms are described as uncontrollable, relentless crying for hours at a time, at least three days per week in an otherwise healthy child. This crying behavior often lasts for up to three months before the baby seems to grow out of it. It’s enough to drive any parent batty! Parents and family members find it difficult to cope and are hopeful for a solution.

Medical doctors haven't discovered the cause or solution to this common problem. There are two common theories for the cause: an immature nervous system or an immature digestive system. The medical solution is not promising. Medical recommendations include attempting to sooth the baby and a suggestion to take time for yourself - not very comforting when you're pulling your hair out.

The solution may be as close as your Wellness Chiropractor who focuses on restoring a healthy nervous system. There are numerous case studies that have been published on the benefits of chiropractic care and colic babies, but the most compelling research is a study that included 316 babies with colic. In this study, 73 chiropractors treated 316 babies with moderate to severe colic. An incredible 94% of the babies demonstrated satisfactory results within 14 days of chiropractic care. 25% showed great improvement with just one treatment! In another study of 132 babies suffering from colic, an amazing 91% of the parents reported improvement within 1 week of care.

If you or someone you love has an infant suffering from colic, be sure to tell them about Wellness Chiropractic. A Wellness Chiropractor can quickly and safely evaluate a child's nervous system for hidden disturbances. If the child demonstrates a problem, your Wellness Chiropractor may be the solution.

What Is Chiropractic Care

Posted: May 10, 2013
By: Back On Track Physical Medicin

Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of acute and chronic muscle and joint complaints.  It's a natural method of health care that treats the causes of physical problems rather than just the symptoms.  Special chiropractic techniques will relieve the pressure that is causing your pain.  

Your doctor of chiropractic looks at your overall health.  To help identify the cause of your problem, you and your chiropractor will discuss your symptoms, your family health history, and your lifestyle, including recreational and work-related physical activities.  This integrated approach helps determine the best treatment for you.  

Chiropractors use a combo of treatments that are designed on the specific needs of the individual patient.  A chiropractor can develop and carry out a comprehensive treatment and management plan that can include soft tissue therapy, prescription of exercises, and health counseling.